Cluster Initiatives

Nuestra amiga y distinguida miembro de RedLAC nos comparte esta nota que preparó hace un par de años con un tema que sigue vigente:

screen-capture-2Marta Marsé – Project manager at The observatoy for industrial prospecting,  Generalitat de Catalunya.

In his book “The Competitive Advantage of Nations” (1990), Michael Porter from Harvard University defines a cluster as a “geographic concentration of interconnected companies, specialized suppliers, service providers, and associated institutions”. However, the existence of this phenomenon is a great deal older and was identified long time before.

In 1979, the year I was born, professor Becattini published an article in “Revista di Economia e Política Industriale” entitled “Dal settore industriale al distretto industriale. Alcune considerazioni sull’unità di indagine dell’economia industriale” which was a return to Marshallian thinking. This article strongly influenced not only theoretical and applied analysis of economic development, but also industrial policy Seguir leyendo